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Community Complaints Update [28/09/2017]


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  • Avovix Management

Hello Multimart Community,

I'd like to inform everyone of a few changes that will slowly be put into place regarding how Community Complaints will be handled, this is infront of our Custom Complaints system being developed and tested ready for functional use on the Forum... These changes may or may not effect Community Complaints massively from a Member Prospective, however from a Staffing Prospective we deemed is necessary to Moderate Post Replies, what this means is the following.


  • Creation Of Threads will remain unchanged and no moderation will be required.
  • Creation of comments/posts will now be moderated this will prevent "thread spam" from people who are not involved in the complain at all
  • Old thread will now be archived after two weeks, after this period only staff(and maybe thread creators) will be able to view the complaint
  • Unrelated replies will be soft-deleted meaning only staff can view the response, this is in case someone approves a reply that doesn't concern the poster 

Furthermore, on the topic of the Custom Complaints system that will be developed in due time... Here's a brief over-view on how it'll function.

  • Creation Of Reports
    Members of the community will be able to freely create reports on other members of the community along with reasoning behind it, our goal is to "improve" the current reporting system provided by Invision Power (IP) allowing us to filter reports to specific reasons.
  • Responses
    Once you've created a report on a specific user.. You and the reported person only with staff will only be able to reply to that report, unless a staff member adds another member of the community to the report for a specified reason, kind of how Personal Messages currently work with IP.Board allowing you to invite people to the conversation.
  • Viewing Reports
    Once a report has been closed and marked accordingly by a member of the Staff Team at Multimart anyone in the community will be able to view it along with any attachments (this is the idea, we may restrict this to staff once an out-come has been assigned), this will also free up space when it comes to On-Going reports and reducing the clutter... Anyone who visits the Community Complaint system will be able to view the on-going reports but only Who's involved (staff not included) along with how many replies the Report has gotten from both the Reporter and Reportee as well as any staff Replies.

So why is this system needed? Its been a long time coming with allot of planning on my end, as-well-as allot of research into how IP.Board functions when it comes to the current released version... I have allot of experience with the older version of IP.Board how-ever as with any "software" for the internet its internal code changes a lot during development, from version to version and security update to security update.. A lot of this research was to ensure that I personally understood how Other developers and IP.Board Staff/Developers handled internal security and coding practices to allow for the most secure "Addon" to Multimart Possible without opening up too many loop holes into the system (hopefully none)...


Best Regards,
Austin "TheOnlyDroid"

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